Keynote Speaker: Ty Pinkins, J.D., LL.M.
Attorney, Author, and Former White House
Communications Aide

Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025
Time: 7:00 PM (Doors open at 6:00 PM)
Location: San Antonio Marriott Northwest 
Address: 3233 Northwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78213
Phone: (210) 377-3900

In commemoration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Pi Theta Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. (PTELF) in cooperation with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. – Pi Theta Lambda Chapter is proud to present the Eleventh Annual DREAM MAJOR © Gala to benefit the PTLEF Scholarship Fund and the Randall P. Palmer III Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The formal evening will feature the Esprit de Martin Dinner and live entertainment.

Please be aware that PTLEF events may be filmed and/or photographed.  Your attendance constitutes your authorization for PTLEF to use your photograph, voice, or other likenesses for purposes related to the Foundation, including but not limited to marketing and promotion in both print and electronic forms.

For inquiries regarding ticket purchases, please E-mail [email protected].

THREE (3) PURCHASING OPTIONS: Please use either the PTLEF CashApp QR Code, the PayPal Button, or Event Noire link below for ticket(s) or table(s) purchases.

Please provide note for PTLEF CashApp (e.g., “[#] of Tickets,” or “Table”)

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Please click above PayPal Button to purchase Ticket(s) and/or Table(s) and designate meal selection(s) (BEEF, CHICKEN, or VEGETARIAN)

DREAM MAJOR Gala Tickets (Event Noire Link)